Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bee Swarm Trap

In addition to having two hives at home, I have purchased a couple of Bee Swarm Traps to attract bees when they swarm. The bees swarm when they find their colony is too crowded. Then they decide to make queen cells, bigger than the regular hexagonal cells, and mostly hanging from the bottom of the hive. When the queen hatches, they leave with a part of the existing bees to start another colony. This is called swarming. The idea is to attract the swarm with the trap. Trap is made of paper pulp, dark in color, dark and quiet inside with just an entrance. Attractants like bee pheromone is installed inside the hive to attract scouting bees to pick the site. So far no luck, I had a call on bee swarm few days ago, but once I got there, all the bees left. Hopefully some of the feral hives I have been feeding might swarm and come my way. Since I cannot keep the bees, I am open to give it to someone who might be interested in beekeeping. They have to invest in some bee equipments, possibly around $400 or so. First thing to do is to get a Starters bee kit. I bought mine from Mann Lake Ltd. They seem to be the lowest priced, but the shipping can be expensive.
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