Last time, when I checked the hive, a week ago, the queens were out of their little plastic EzBz cages. I left them alone, I tried hard to see if they would show up on the frames, but I guess, I didn't look enough. But I am happy to announce that after many days of undisturbed hive, I couldn't stand it any more to see what those folks are doing inside there. I bit the bullet and suited up and opened the hive to see.
It was a good sight to see, bees are alive and well, and I finally met the queen running around there. I looked for eggs, but they are not there yet, the combs are not built big enough for the queen to lay the eggs, but I am sure when enventually the combs are built, she will lay the eggs and I am sure I will find capped brood. I guess I just need to be patient. I do have good patience, when I read over the blogs I read people are worried about if the queen is there, is she laying eggs and such, but I feel that nature has a way to take care of things of its own, and we don't need to interfere in it, just leave them alone. And that is what I am going to do for the next few weeks, so I might not have any updates. But I am still learning from bee blogs and movies uploaded on youtube about bees. Let me tell you, it is a great learning experience!
Baking Greek Fig and Honey Bread
I just got back from a wonderful trip to Greece with my sister and wanted
to bake something Greek. This bread has honey show potential. I think that
9 months ago